My love of printmaking started with very humble beginnings. Since childhood I have loved letter writing, and it is through this medium that I came to carving my own stamps. I had long since decorated my letters and envelopes with doodles and shop bought rubber stamps, and when I came across a rubber stamp carving kit way back in 1990, I decided to buy it and give it a go. I’ve never looked back since.

My very first carving was a smiley sun. Along with this very first carving, came my very first carving injury – a v-blade through the side of my left index finger. I learned my lesson very early on!

The more I carved, the more my printmaking practice developed, and from those humble beginnings of a simple sun rubber stamp to decorate my stationery, I now create detailed prints of landscapes and local architecture that are firmly in the art category. Whenever I go out on walks, I am always on the lookout for a new subject to carve, sketchbook and camera at the ready. I live in a village in the north east of England, on the edge of the North Pennines mountain range and where there are plenty of wooded areas. The local scenery shapes my artwork.

My original hand pulled limited edition lino prints are all available in my shop. Many of these lino prints are also reproduced as greetings cards.